A Mis Hire can result in many potential issues, especially financial. While financial or business advisers within a company might only see the monetary costs, there can be other hidden problems that might arise in a organization with a mis hire. Not easily seen, the effects have the ability to pollute several pillars within the company.
Take a look at the effects a mis hire can have on your company.
1. A Dip in Employee Morale
Employees who have high productivity levels, are innovative, and are engaged can experience declining levels of these qualities because of a mis hire. One bad apple can hinder other employees and stop them from thriving in a job that otherwise that employee is quite good at. In “5 Insidious Effects of a Mis Hire,” Society of Human Resources blogger Magi Graziano states, “When any of these morale and engagement busters    are happening within your culture, good people either leave or switch to autopilot until they can.”
It’s possible that the good employees might leave  before the bad apple does, possibly resulting in a hasty hire by the company.
2. Micromanagement
When an employee isn’t performing as well as expected, a manager will need to spend more time with them. Whether it’s to continue to train them or explain things, a culture of micromanagement might start to arise. The management style might be affected and ultimately, altered. When a manager has to watch over and correct an employee, this management style might transfer to employees who don’t require constant watching. Both productive employees and managers don’t need micromanaging and will be negatively affected.
3. Decrease in Innovation
What company doesn’t want to be seen an innovative and changing its field’s landscape? Don’t stunt your company’s innovation with hasty hires and bad apples. “When an employee is hired because their resumes list the right key words, yet the person behind the resume lacks conceptual thinking ability and theoretical problem solving, they lack the access within themselves to come up with creative and inventive solutions,” states Graziano.
4. Substandard Customer Service Experiences
A bad hire will most likely come into contact with your customers. It’s highly likely that the customer service standard you have set for your employees will not be met by a bad apple. One bad customer service experience can damage the company’s reputation. Thorough training can inhibit employees from giving bad customer service. However, no amount of training can help an employee who isn’t right for the job.
An HR Outsourcing company can help you deal with the legal and other ramifications of a Mis Hire.  See some options here: